Kamis, 24 Juli 2008

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name : Ayu mundi ari

email: daralova@gmail.com

name : Ayu mundi ari

email: daralova@gmail.com

I just girl that wan to have alot of friend in internet. Please be my friend.
my hobby is eat, and shoping.

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Minggu, 13 Juli 2008

Manage Your Energy, Manage Your Stress: Learn to Turnaround Anxiety and Depression

By Peri Enkin

I have a great dentist. He is current, caring and he does not use mercury. But that does not change the fact that for some of us being in the dentists chair can be stressful! This is especially true if you are sensitive to anesthetic like I am. Pump me up with adrenaline and I start leaving my body. I am not kidding. All of my life force rises and starts exiting out the crown of my head. This would be okay if I wanted to leave my body but the truth is I like it here. In fact I plan on sticking around for quite some time so I am not really interested in a quick exit. Since it is clear to me that where my energy goes I go, it can be challenging to lie still in the dental chair when my energy seems to be flying up and out around the ceiling.

So what to do? Last week, I sat in the dental chair and had the opportunity to experiment with a simple energy management technique that I use regularly during more relaxed situations. I wondered if I could apply it during an extreme moment of stress. I did and it worked.

Here is an Energy Management Process for managing anxiety.

Step One: First remind yourself that everything is just fine exactly as it is. We usually do not believe this is true during stressful moments. Just by telling ourselves that all is well, even if we do not believe it, begins to shift our system from anxiousness to relaxation.

Step Two: Open your Release Points. In the body there are areas where we tend to clench and tense up in an attempt to protect ourselves from harm. The paradox is that if we open up and relax tension leaves quicker. Release points are easy to open although it does take some practice at first. We have to teach ourselves that we have options and then we have to use them. Release points can be found in these locations:

The base of the spine
The palms of both hands
The bottoms of both feet
And the back of the heart right between the shoulder blades

Step Three: Direct your attention to your Grounding Point. The grounding point can be found within your personal energy system. It is located approximately twelve inches below your feet. This is not some abstract concept and with practice you will find it easily.

Step Four: Visualize a moss green globe of light at your Grounding Point. It is a great color that soothes and comforts. Even if you cannot see the color in your minds eye you can imagine what it might look like and that will do the trick.

Step Five: Direct your awareness to your grounding point and all of the energy flowing up will begin to flow downward to balance itself. This is what I did in the dentists chair last week. I closed my eyes, opened my release points and visualized a glowing globe of moss green light below my feet. I took all of my attention there and directed my energy into the globe. I literally felt all of the energy that was flowing rapidly up my body first slow down and then begin to balance with the downward flow I was creating with the focus of my attention downward. I was able to rest peacefully without moving until it was time to go home.

Anxiety and upward flowing energy is one kind of stress. Depression and downward flowing energy is another kind. For depression you can do the very same process in reverse. There is a point approximately twelve inches above your head and still in your own personal energy system. I call this point the Contact Point. The color I use there is soft blue. When you feel depleted, worn out or depressed use this visualization and you will notice a shift.

Here is the same Energy Management Process for depression.

Step One: Remind yourself that everything is just fine exactly as it is.
Step Two: Open your Release Points
Step Three: Direct your attention to your Contact Point
Step Four: Visualize a soft blue globe of light at your Contact Point
Step Five: Direct your awareness to your contact point and all of the energy flowing down will begin to flow upward to balance itself

It does not matter if you feel energy or not. Just imagine you are moving energy and you will eventually gain the sensitivity you need to manage shifts in your mood. We are powerful energetic beings. Learning to use our energy to manage our own stress plugs us back in to our own energy source of wellness and reconnects us to our personal power.

About the author

Peri is the Founder of Creators Choice - Online School for Whole Life Fulfillment and supports clients worldwide to experience freedom in love and to claim their own power. Visit http://www.creatorschoice.com for free gifts to enjoy right now. from http://www.FreeArticlesAndContent.com

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How To Use Affirmations Effectively

By Tim Grice

When you have become clear about what goals you wish to achieve in life there are many powerful strategies you can use to make them a reality. One of those strategies is affirmations.

An affirmation is a statement made that describes a goal as if it is already completed. The purpose of it is to command your subconscious mind to start the process of change in your life, helping you move closer to your goals.

When affirmations are purposefully structure and implemented correctly they can vastly accelerate the progress in ones goals.

Eventually if repeated adequately the affirmation will reach your subconscious mind, and as if it is your personal coach whisper words of encouragement to you even though you will never be aware of it.

Some common components should be include in any new affirmation.Affirmations should only relate to yourself and your desires.Always begin with the words I am or I will these are directive words which will increase the power of the affirmation.

It must be stated positively and in the present tense, do not use negative language such dont or cant.Be specific to the goal and brief and ensure it is easy to remember this all helps build rhythm which will help install it in your mind.

Try and use words that express emotions and bring about feelings of excitement and fulfilment.You should always try to visualize your goals and then back them up with powerful affirmations which should be repeated over and over again. You are programming your sub conscious mind to lead you towards your goal. I like to do my affirmations whilst exercising as this stimulates the intensity of the emotion.

I have a routine every morning where I will wake up at 5am and straight away throw on my work out gear and begin to move. I think of my goals and imagine I am living in the benefits of them. I then affirm them whilst I am running either on the treadmill or on the street. This routine and the resulting affirmations have helped me guide many areas of my life into success. I have changed physical aspects about myself, I used them to start my business and grow it to 150000 a year in the first year. I truly believe in the power of affirmations and the way in which they can help us reach our goals.The results of powerful affirmations can be amazing and will help you guide your life in the directions you wish to go.

About the author

Tim Grice is a successful entreprenuer who runs various online business. He is dedicated to personal developement and growth and achieving success in life.

Tim Grice

http://timgrice.blogspot.com/ from http://www.FreeArticlesAndContent.com

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2 Vital Tips to Dealing With Negative People

By Dan Brown

Negative people can suck the life right out of you if you're not careful! If you spend even just a tiny amount of time with them, you will begin to feel negative too.

Don't try to change a negative person - It will drain everything within you! Remember the last time you had a huge argument with your spouse, or someone else?Remember how the emotional turmoil took it's toll on you?

The best way to deal with negative is to just simply avoid it at all costs! Here are two vital tips to dealing with negative people...

1. Stay away

There have been so many times in my life when I had to break off some relationships because of the negativity associated with them.

Now, I'm not saying you should stop loving and caring for the negative people in your life, but just love and care for them from a distance. Just quit hanging out with them and doing things together.

If someone in your life is sucking energy out of you because of their negative attitude, it's time to find someone else to hang out with. If it's your spouse unfortunately, you're gonna find it rather difficult to stay away.

In a case like that, some counseling will be required. It's a funny thing that when a third party tells your spouse something you've been trying to say for years, they seem to get it.

2. Get away

Some people think that listening to others' problems is a good character trait. It may be, if the person complaining is a good friend and not just someone who regularly unloads a bunch of garbage just because that's what they do best.

When you hear someone go on with a negative attitude, it's time to find the door! You need to get away from it because it's like a virus. Negativity spreads and tries to attach itself to anything it can get a hold of.

Sometimes you may not be able to get away from it, like if you're at a holiday family get-together. There will always be situations like that where you can't do much about it, except wait it out.

But, just being able to identify the negative will help you handle it a little better. Maybe you can try to be nice and keep to yourself as much as possible. Maybe even have a light-hearted discussion with yourself in your mind while the negative is spewing out.


Being positive and staying positive is absolutely critical to your success in life! If you're going to win in your chosen field, you must avoid negative people and situations as much as you can.

Now, I'm not saying to be insensitive to people's problems. If you can help, then of course, help them. Just learn to identify the times when people are just plain being negative. There is no helping those types of people because they don't want help.

About the author

Daniel N. Brown is a teacher of biblical success principles! Get his Free Special Report, "Christian Prosperity Secrets" when you subscribe to his Free "Prosperous Christian" e-Letter...
http://www.SecretPlaceOnline.com from http://www.FreeArticlesAndContent.com

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Think Positively and Live Successfully

By Paul Hata

Many people wander the earth believing they the lack the strength and power to achieve their goals. This negative mechanism holds them down. You can gain motivation and live healthier, by simply telling yourself you can do it.Anything you put your mind to, you can do it if you want to.

Positive Thinking - You have to be in control of your thoughts, actions, behaviors, etc by building your power of the mind. Nevertheless, if you do not put your mind to it and you decide that you do not want to become active, and then you are only living a life filled with shortcomings. Your negative reflections will defeat the purpose of getting your thoughts in control. Saying I will do it later, is another negative reflection. This is called procrastination, which leads to laziness. Laziness leads to weak muscles and joints, which gradually builds up to medical problems. Look for a good role model and become acquainted with their way of thinking positive. Try to talk positive and avoid negative talk. Seek some support from friends and family.

Positive Attitude - Having a positive attitude will give you a jumpstart to a healthier life. Keep on pushing. Do not stop once you get started, instead go until you reach your goal. When times are hard and you do not think you can go any further,take a short walk or breather and then move ahead a step further.Do not dwell on something you cannot change, rather focus on the things you do have the power to change.

Control Your Thoughts - If you want to do something bad enough, you will do what is needed to get there. You need to make a goal and stick to it. Create plans that help you to reach your goals, and take action each day to achieve. When you give up, it is a sign that you lack faith in self and is a clear indication of weakness. You need faith to stay strong and you need positive thinking to strive.

Successful Living - To live successfully is to think positively and identify your strengths and weaknesses.Use your strengths to overcome your weakness and the best person who knows how to do that is yourself!

Focus more on your strengths and improve your weak areas by learning them from others or talking to someone who has succeeded in their fields.Do not turn to those which has failed when you are looking for success! Another important point is to stop blaming yourself if you fail for trying.The worse failure if for not trying at all.Do not worry about the cause, rather find your wants and needs and the cause will come to you.

Reward and Pamper Yourself - Reward and pamper yourself with a massage or listen to your favorite music or take a short vacation alone or with your family.

One Step at a Time - Do not forget to create a goal but do not aim it so high that you will not be able to achieve it.Create small goals at a time.

Focus and Stay on Course - Make a plan and stay the course no matter what. Just remember you can do whatever you want to do and keep your mind set for the good things and not the bad things. This will make you feel better and make you a happier person.

All the happy and successful people in the world shares the same common traits - they all think positively.Now think positively and live successfully!

About the author

Paul Hata is active in various social and community programs aimed at providing equal access to education,health and jobs to all.Paul has over 10 years experience in managing a multi-million dollar advertising company.Paul can be reached at - TradePlanets.com from http://www.FreeArticlesAndContent.com

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How to Make Decisions that Really Work

By Peri Enkin

One part of us wants comfort and safety and abhors change or challenge. Another part wants to try new things and is a risk-taker. One part of us is boring to the other parts. Another part frightens the rest of us. Inside we all have a community of bullies, sweethearts and creative geniuses. Sometimes it feels as if there is a battle going on and we wonder which part of us will win.

The human personality is a collective of characters, not one singular characteristic. We make different decisions and take different actions depending upon who is in the drivers seat on any given day. So which part of us gets to make our decisions? Which part of us knows what is best for us? Which part can we rely on and trust? How do we sort it all out?

Well, it really is not a matter of sorting through anything at all. As Einstein so powerfully explains: We cannot solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created the problem in the first place. Growth is called for, not figuring things out.

It really does not matter what decisions we face. And it does not matter whether the decisions we face appear to be big ones or small ones like these: Should I move from this home to another one? Should I marry the guy from Brooklyn or the one from British Columbia? Should I wear red shoes or white ones? Any one of these questions can drive us crazy. Personally I know this! If you have a strong personality with strong preferences you know this too. You want to live true to your own nature. You want to be your best authentic self and make the best choices possible. Any and all decisions can feel huge to you. So what are we humans to do?

Well, as Einstein suggests we need to move to a different level of consciousness. The old human does not understand this. It has opinions and is glued to them. It has feelings and is regularly carried away by them. And if its own thoughts and feelings do not provide comfortable answers it has other people it can consult with until it finds someone that offers the advice it most wants to follow. When it comes to making meaningful and soulful choices this is exhausting and less than satisfying and yet we all do it.

So if we are not going to make our choices from this ordinary human perspective what is the alternative? The new human stretches beyond what it already knows to connect with the spiritual. Instead of grasping and clinging to the horizontal worldly perspective it turns within and goes vertical instead.

By releasing our focus on the physical world, even for a few minutes each morning and evening, we open up a whole new field of awareness. When we deliberately cultivate a personal relationship with our own Higher Self this field of awareness becomes more accessible. With practice we can learn the language of our own Higher Self. And when we do, we receive guidance that cannot be found elsewhere.

This is the evolutionary process that is occurring for many people on the planet today. We are each, in our own way moving from our ordinary human perspective to a new extraordinary one. The new human is stepping forward as a whole person -aligned and connected to its greater Spiritual nature.

Choices made from this whole person perspective feel full in the body. They resonate within the heart and appear as creative solutions to ordinary problems. They feel like solid inner knowing. Yes, it takes practice to learn the language that our own Spiritual Self uses to deliver inner knowledge to us. And it takes even more practice to trust the messages we are receiving and to act upon them. Becoming a whole person is a process -that feels liberating and exhilarating. I will wear gold shoes today. I have an inner knowing about it!

About the author

Peri is the Founder of Creators Choice - Online School for Whole Life Fulfillment and supports clients worldwide to experience freedom in love and to claim their own power. Visit http://www.creatorschoice.com for free gifts to enjoy right now. from http://www.FreeArticlesAndContent.com

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7 Days Program To Positive Thinking

By Paul Hata

I'm sure you have a bright idea hidden somewhere in the back of your mind that you just cannot wait to test out. Of course you are not the only one with the bright idea. So what motivates you to churn those creative, or even inspiring juices to its utmost flavor?

It's always best to set up a personal goal where you can accomplish the most in record time, maybe like mowing the lawn in an hour before the big game on TV. A correct and positive attitude in whatever you do will make things easier, and even enjoyable.Having a bit of positive thinking can help you realize things that are never thought possible.All the successful people in the world has one thing in common - they think big and they think positively.

Here are some tips to make it through the week even if you're just sitting in your favorite couch. An idea takes time to form in your head and is always at work while you are busy sitting.

1. Take passionate action towards living your life by design. Talk is cheap. Action = deposits in the bank of a passionately authentic future. Without it, passion is void.

This is a perfect example where dreams are made of where you start by tinkering with your mind, then with your hands. And if the idea weakens, you can always go back to it later until you finish it.

2. Commit to yourself as well as those you love to create powerfully a life you can love. Instead of reacting, commit to creating from your heart and soul, out of love rather than fear. The American Dream will always be there, but a dream will still be a dream without motion. Be amazed as the transformation begins.

3. Recognize and embrace the thought that each moment is perfect regardless of its outcome. Every time you hit on something that may appear too extreme, why not give it a shot and see if it will work. You will be surprised to see of there are other ways to get the task done in time. If you are not pleased with the outcome, decide to use that moment to learn from and make the appropriate shift.

4. Dwell completely in a place of gratitude. Learn to utilize what you have in your hands and make use of it in the most constructive way. Slipping into neediness will become less of a habit when you repeatedly shift towards gratitude, away from poverty consciousness.

5. Use a Passion Formula of Recognize/Reevaluate/Restore in place of the Shoulda/Woulda/Coulda whirlwind. The former is based in increased knowledge and abundance while the latter focuses on scarcity and lack. As you face people or tasks that may seem harder than scaling the summit of the Himalayas, allow yourself to realize that the task is just as important as giving out orders to your subordinates. You would rather be richly passionate!

6. Keep humor at the forefront of thought, laughing at and with yourself when possible. You may find yourself quite entertaining when you loosen up! I am yet to see a comedian ever go hungry even though his jokes are as 'old as great-grandma'. Life has so much to offer to allow you to mope around in self pity. Humor is very attractive, very passionate: life-giving.

7. Believe that you are the architect of your destiny. No one can take your passionate future from you except for you! Create your life authentically. As long as there's still breath in your body, there is no end to how much you can accomplish in a lifetime. The concept of thinking big is all about enjoying your work, which would lead to celebrate a discovery that is born within your hands. Watch everything flow into place with perfect, passionate precision.

It's interesting how people get wallowed up by something trivial as learning to use a computer, when nowadays that top computer companies are manufacturing software that even the kids can do it. I don't mean to be condescending, but that's the idea of not having any positive thinking in your life-you'll just end up as a dim bulb in a dark corner. So instead of subjecting yourself to what you will be doomed for, make your path by taking the first step with a positive attitude.

About the author

Paul Hata is active in various social and community programs aimed at providing equal access to education,health and jobs to all.Paul has over 10 years experience in managing a multi-million dollar advertising company.Paul can be reached at TradePlanets.com from http://www.FreeArticlesAndContent.com

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Discover Your Values - The Key to Happiness

By Jessica McGregor Johnson

What is fulfilment? How can I attain it? How can I possibly be fulfilled in this world? I hear these are questions with great regularity in my coaching practise. More than ever people are questioning how they can live their lives with a true feeling of fulfilment.

I believe that fulfilment comes from an inner experience. Our current world would have us think that it's something to do with what we have or do but in truth it is directly connected with how we are - our (human) being. We can feel fulfilled whatever is happening in our lives, but it doesn't necessarily mean that everything is hunky-dory.

We could be going through the most challenging time and yet still feel fulfilled. How come? Because fulfilment comes from living in line with our own personal values. Once we identify our values and live them, then that congruence is has a very special feeling.

What are our values? Values are totally personal to us, they are our enduring beliefs by which we live by, e.g. Honesty, Respect, Love. What is important to you may not be important to me. That makes neither of us wrong, just individual. One way of identifying your personal values is to think of a time when you felt compromised or frustrated or angry in a situation. What was your mind telling you at that moment? What was happening that was wrong? What should have been happening?

It is these moments that highlight our own personal values. Joyous moments can also be good at illuminating our values too. Those moments when nothing has to change, everything is perfect. What was going on then, what value was being lived in that moment?

Once you identify your values, and there are many ways to do that, we need to be honest and ask ourselves - are we living by our values? Where do we compromise too much? Is our work in line with our values? Do our personal relationships reflect what is important to us? Do we live our lives guided by our own blueprint? If the answer is yes then great. If the answer is no then we have a choice. We can start to address the areas of our lives where we are incongruent. We can take responsibility and make the changes necessary to bring our lives back into line with who we truly are.

In this way we will begin to live fulfilled lives. I often coach people who although they are dealing with the challenges in their life they feel much more alive and complete by living their values. It is like the whole of us is showing up for life and when we do that it rubs off on those around us and our world is a better, happier place.

About the author

Jessica works internationally as a Life Fulfilment Coach empowering people to create the life they choose and gain fulfilment in every area of life. If you would like to arrange a time for her to call you for a free introductory session please email Tel +34 958 639 593 or click here to email me For more information visit her website by clicking this link from http://www.FreeArticlesAndContent.com

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Working For Yourself - Why You Should Climb The Mountain And Follow Your Dream

By Jean Shaw

Every day something happens to make me appreciate how lucky I am. Today it was sitting in the audience watching my son's school performance of The Sound Of Music, or at least a very small part of it.

So why am I so lucky? Well, there are many reasons.

My son has autism and will be leaving his current school this summer. Whilst his disability often gives me sleepless nights, I realised my troubles are nothing compared to those of many parents. The diversity of problems faced by the other children who attend the same wonderful Special Needs School; make my son's autism seem a blessing. That's something I never thought I'd say.

Another reason I am so lucky is I work from home, which gives me total freedom. I chose to be my own boss and as such I set my own hours. I never feel guilty about taking time out to visit the doctor or dentist. I can schedule trips as required and attend important things(to me at least) as school plays. I don't have to ask permission from anyone, which is just as well as this year I went twice.

The play was excellent and every child put so much effort and enthusiasm into his or her performance. It was enough to make me weep, especially when they sang Climb Every Mountain. I guess it really hit me the size of the mountains those children have face, although during the performance they all looked so incredibly happy you'd never guess their lives were anything other than a bed of roses.

Anyway, back to the advantages of working from home.

Last week, my eldest son, who travels to work each day by train was extremely late home. He wasn't working extra hours or going anywhere after he'd left his office, but his train had no conductor so it was cancelled. It meant he had to wait on a cold, draughty and crowded railway station until the next train appeared.

Commuting is no fun at the best of times, which probably explains why I never see anyone smiling in the mornings. It's also very expensive and time consuming. I heard the other day the average worker spends five and a half years travelling backwards and forwards to work. Thankfully, I'm no longer one of them.

Apart from the time element, just think of the expense. Fuel prices are spiralling out of control and everyone is experiencing the knock on effect. The cost of filling my car up with petrol has now doubled and the likelihood is it will increase even further.

For those who commute to work by car, fuel is a major consideration, and in many places you even have to pay to drive your car on certain roads, through cities at certain times, and to park. It all adds up, and for some people, the cost of getting to work is almost as much as they earn.

Then, of course, there's the weather. It's so unpredictable. You can set out in the morning with it being sunny and warm and by the return journey it is cold, wet and miserable. You really have to take two sets of clothing with you to work, or wear lots of layers so you can strip off, or add on as necessary. If you work from home it's no problem, and depending on when you choose to work, you can even do it in your nightclothes. That solves the problem of having to own a "suitable" work wardrobe or having to wear an unflattering uniform.

Also, if you work from home, you don't have to worry about colleagues whom you might possibly not get on with, or get involved in office politics. You can take a toilet or coffee break when you wish, and even have an afternoon power nap if necessary. Apparently, 10 or 20 minutes in the afternoon boosts production by about 20%, because we are naturally bi-phasic, meaning we need to sleep twice each day. The experts say we require a long sleep at night and a short one in the afternoon, but if you have a "job", what you need and what you get are two very different things.

Life should be fun, work should be fun, and it's so sad that's not the case for most people with jobs. How many working hours have you spent wishing you were somewhere else?

A job is something where you trade your time or expertise for money, and when I left school the normal working hours for jobs were between 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. How times have changed. Now, it's normal to work until 7.00 p.m. which means no-one gets any "me" time.

The hours have certainly got longer and there's no job security. Everyone is replaceable, and there's always someone waiting to wear your shoes. It makes for a very unsettling and stressful experience, which is another reason why, if you possibly can, you need to work for yourself.

Of course it won't suit everyone, and the prospect of being your own boss can seem daunting. It's a huge mountain to climb, but it's nothing compared to the mountains the children at my son's school are climbing. The difference is, unlike them, YOU have a choice!

About the author

Take control of your destiny, break free from a "job" and live your dreams

Further Solutions at http://www.easyprofitableblogging-blog.com from http://www.FreeArticlesAndContent.com

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Killer Strategies On How To Make Others Love You

By Max Walker

Yes, love is everywhere. Love is in me and you too. But yet we still ask what love is. And at the same time we might not know how to love! Everyone wants to love and be loved in life. Call it addiction to love or whatever; love is a feeling that cannot be described in words. It has to be felt. Scientifically it is difficult to tell the causes of love. Love has depth. It cannot be defined due to its limitless nature, yet it is in how we define it, that gives our life meaning. Read on to find out some killer strategies on how to make others love you.

One of the most important things we as humans need to learn is self-love. If we do not love ourselves, it is impossible for others to love us or for us to love anyone else. If you want others to love you, you must love yourself. If you willing to love yourself you will love others and others will love you too. It is as simple as that. The reverse is also true if you go through life hating yourself you can end up hating others and if you go through life hating others then others hate you too.

Trust is one of the important aspects in love. If you love someone and you want the love of that person in return, all you have to do is to trust that person. As a matter of fact, trust makes a strong bond between any relationships. The relationship could be very fragile and never last long if you keep thinking of "Can I trust him, how can I be sure he will never betray me." So, trust a person and expect trust from that person.

When you are concerned about other people they will automatically start being concerned about you. You see once you start caring about people you would automatically start receiving love and support from them. If someone needs your help, learn to offer a helping hand selflessly without any incentives. You see its common human nature that when you help someone they tend to remember and help you one day. Care, concern and help others are something which will make people love you.

Some people are self centered and always think about themselves. These kinds of people are hated the most by everyone. Remember true love is self-less. So, stop using the word me and start to listen to others. Show your respect and attention to them rather than you own. Appreciate the achievement of others even it is just a small one. Your appreciation will make others feel worthy and important. When you make someone feel worthy they automatically give you one of the most incredible gifts you can imagine which are love.

We need love from the moment we are born to thrive. We might survive but we do not thrive without abundant love. Everybody needs love because it is the simple answer to almost any question. Love is not outside us, though we can block our awareness of it. Love remains the truth of our being, regardless of our relentless attempts to let fear stand in its way. Love patiently calls to us from within, to get out of the way and let it be our guide. Show your love to others, they will definitely shower you with love from all corners.

About the author

Max enjoy funny cartoon very much. He shows people the way to make others love you using simple strategy called "Learn To Love" in their everyday life! from http://www.FreeArticlesAndContent.com

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Have You Ever Said I Want To Be Rich

By Faye B. Roberts

Do you want to be rich and have what being rich brings to your life? I want to BE RICH. Do you know how to be rich? By saying that we are saying we want to have changes in our lives. Are they major changes or are they minor changes. That would depend on where you are at in your life and what being rich means to you.

What exactly is meant by the term rich? Do we all put the same value on a dollar? Can you have no money and feel you are rich or is it the money value that makes you Rich? Not everyone will see being rich in the say way or use it in the same context. I did a small survey and asked 10 people this Question "What does Being Rich mean to you? Here is the response I got.

Rod from British Columbia - "Money, lots of money. It's not having to look in your wallet, bank account or credit card statement any more, ever."

Joseph from Manitoba - "Freedom to do the things you love when you choose to do them. Napolean Hill puts it very well in the first chapter of Think & Grow Rich. He lists 12 things, I believe, that constitute riches. Money is only one of them and without the others, money means nothing. The others include health, peace of mind, etc."

Terry from Illinois -I think that being rich is a freedom. That's it freedom. Now to figure out how to be rich.

Larry from Kansas - "Money, Lots of money, millions of dollars, fancy sports cars, big beach front houses, no travel restrictions. Nothing dictating when I have to get some sleep and more alarm clocks waking me up when I'm still tired. I would be rich when I had five million dollars in the bank, and everything else I want paid in full. Yes, I want to be rich"

Phil from Maryland - "Although I have never been really rich in terms of money, I have been richly blessed with family and with relationships. Now, with new opportunities, I foresee myself becoming rich monetarily as well as the result of services I am able to provide to help others. In one sense, being rich is simply a state of mind. In another, it means being able to do the things I want to do when I want to do them."

Dee from Alberta - "The first thing that comes to mind is money but being rich means being happy with what have."

Bobbi from Alberta - "Rich to me means having the resources to enjoy life to it's fullest with my friends and loved ones."

Joel from Ontario - "Choices and time freedom. It's the ultimate way to live life, not having to worry about what you want to do, how much something costs, and you can always choose to do whatever you want tomorrow."

The answer to the question what does being rich mean to you is defiantly in the eye of the beholder. It can mean anything from comfort and security to ultimate wealth. But in every answer I got money is defiantly at the root of it but the amount that is needed will be different for every person.

Now for the changes it takes to have the lifestyle you want, deserve and should have. You could go back to school but is a better job going to get you to where you want to be. Probably not! With the Internet now, owning and operating a home based business is easy. There are many business opportunities that will allow you to live the lifestyle you want when you say I want to be rich. My question to you is what is it you are doing to be rich?

About the author

Faye B Roberts is an homebased business entrepreneur who aids people to reach their goals in their quest for financial and time freedom. Her goal is to coach people into full time home business entrepreneurs.
Finding Financial Freedom from http://www.FreeArticlesAndContent.com

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Sabtu, 12 Juli 2008

Successful Living: Achieving Happiness and Fulfillment

By Deborah Schaefer

A successful life is about finding your true purpose and pursuing it with all your passion. It is about find the true riches of life that lead to happiness and fulfillment. It is having goals that drive your life.

Many people who achieve fortune in the world are not born rich. But they accomplished it through hard work and a plan of action. Every type of person on earth can become successful. There are saints and scoundrels; philanthropists and thieves; poets and politicians; young and old. There are no limitations or physical boundaries for success.

Success comes to those who deeply think about success and constantly strive for it! Although many rich financiers at the turn of the century had no formal education, they overcame that and went on to great fame.

Some people strive towards a single goal from early in life, and often attain that goal while still young. Others are willing to risk new adventures later and still attain success.

"It's never too late to learn," wrote Malcolm Forbes, the money magnate. "I learned to ride a motorcycle at 50 and fly balloons at 52."

Whatever your task, whatever your obstacles, you can be as successful as anyone else. Study the people who accomplished recognition in the areas of your pursuit. How did they achieve their goals? And don't be afraid you don't have what it takes.
As Daniel Webster wrote, "There is always room at the top."

Forming Conviction-
The single attribute that every successful person has is the one pointed devotion to attain a goal."There in the sunshine are my highest aspirations," wrote Louisa May Alcott, "I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead."

What are your desires? How can you form them into definite goals that you can attain?
Lawrence Peter wrote, "If you don't know where you're going, you'll probably end up somewhere else."

Maybe you're studying a craft or skill. Perhaps you're caught in a rung of the corporate ladder. Or, you might feel constricted by your family and the environment around you.

Which star are you reaching for?

"Ours is a world where people don't know what they want and are willing to go through anything to get it," wrote Don Marquis.

Take the time to think about your own aspirations. Look inside to find what feels right. Almost everyone entertains the notions of fame and fortune, but put on the 'costume' that fits you. Conviction requires certain qualities of action. Successful Living requires that you be sincere and be willing to assume responsibility. And you need the self-discipline necessary to work towards your goals.

-Are you prepared to achieve your dreams?
-Can you form their reality in your mind?
-Will you devote your entire being to attaining what you want?!?

On Your Own-
Most millionaires are non-conformists. So are the most famous actors and actresses; and the most prominent artists. Writers are known for their individual traits and eccentricities. Your convictions and goals are your own business, even when you find help along the path.

Mentors often take people under their wings to nourish and teach. Or spiritual guides will show you the path to attainment. But you're on your own to achieve.

Cultivate a sense of justice and an ability to make decisions. Cooperate with everybody and develop your own self-respect. And follow good criticism and advice after you've judged carefully.

J. Paul Getty said, "I advise young millionaires to be skeptical of advice. They should advise themselves; they should form their own opinions."

Lord Byron wrote, "There is rapture on the lonely shore." And if you attain your goals with poise and sincerity, you'll find warmth and love at the top- not the cold loneliness pictured by the jealous. Put on blinders to negative comments and criticism meant to hurt you.

About the people who criticize, Voltaire wrote, "Never having been able to succeed in the world, they took revenge by speaking ill of it."

Seize the Day!
People are judged by what they think and what they say. But the true measure of their character is what they do. Anyone who has achieved success and fortune in the world has done it by action. William Jennings Bryan wrote, "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved."

The choice of the path you follow is often put before you as opportunity. "Few people recognize opportunity," said Cary Grant, "because it comes disguised as hard work."

Don't let opportunities slip past while you're still considering them, and create new ones as you see them. "Wise people make more opportunities than they find," said Francis Bacon.

What opportunities can you act upon? Woolworth saw a need for small inexpensive items and opened the chain of stores that grossed billions. Wrigley started giving gum away as a bonus from a supplies wagon he sold from, and saw the opportunity to make money from the gum that became in high demand.

All successful people the world over have found the opportunities for their own special talents and acted upon those ways to achieve. Why wait for the time to pass? There's never a better time than now. Lewis Carroll believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. Take your own impossible dreams and make them become reality.

How They Think-
Thousands of potential millionaires are born every year. And making a million dollars is coming closer to everyone's pocket. What advice did the money-makers follow?

Aristotle Onassis worked eighteen hours a day to maintain his fortune. He started as a welder and aimed for the top. "You have to think money day and night," he said, "you should even dream about it in your sleep."

John D. Rockefeller, Jr., said, "I believe in the dignity of labor, whether with head or hand; that the world owes every person an opportunity to make a living."

And J. Paul Getty acknowledged his hard work: "I have no complex about wealth. I have worked hard for my money, producing things people need."

Even Proverbs advises: "In all labor there is profit." Richard Bach, the author of the best-selling "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" wrote, "You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however."

The Empress of the British Empire, Queen Victoria, admonished, "We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat."

Do YOU Have What It Takes?
There are qualities of endeavor and achievement that are common to many people who make it to the top. The following questions are a guideline to self-enterprise and attaining your goals.

-Do you prefer to work for yourself than for others?
-Are you well-informed on current business and political affairs?
-Are you a leader?
-Do you take advantage of opportunities?
-Do you pay attention to what other people say?
-Can you finish a job even when it is difficult or unpleasant?
-Are you challenged by problems?
-Do you have a goal you want to achieve?
-Do you consider other people?
-Do you strive to attain?
-Can you obey commands?
-Can you bounce back after defeat?
-Do you believe in yourself?
-Can you stand by your actions in spite of criticism?
-Can you follow instructions?
-Can you respond to the needs of others?
-Will you give credit to others?
-Can you make your own decisions?
-Are you determined?
-Are you ready for success?

Establish a Goal-

-What do you want?

-Are you looking for financial security, professional
acknowledgment, spiritual attainment?

-Do you want to fit better socially, or become more expressive creatively?

Establish the goal that's right for you.
Then turn that goal from a dream into a desire. You want to realize that goal, not just wish for it. Aesop said, "Beware that you do not lose the substance by grabbing at the shadow."

-Know exactly what you want, then go for it.
-Don't be tricked by your own procrastination- especially if you want to achieve something artistic.

The writer Thomas Wolfe wrote, "I had been sustained by that delightful illusion of success which we all have when we dream about the books we are going to write instead of actually doing them. Now I was face to face with it, and suddenly I realized that I had
committed my life and my integrity so irrevocably to this struggle that I must conquer now or be destroyed."

Can you see what you want? If you want the abundance of material wealth that money provides, what goal will give you that money?

-Do you want the prestige of owning your own business?
-What business do you want to begin?
-Where are the opportunities for you?

Talk to everyone in the business you want to join. Make friends in the literary or art societies in your area. Read books and articles about your field of endeavor. How can you attain your goal?

"If you don't want to work, you have to work to earn enough money so that you don't have to work!" wrote Ogden Nash. Money makes money; success breeds success.
But not always.

How can you break through those thoughts to help yourself to the rewards?

Henry David Thoreau wrote...
"I have learned this at least by my experiment: that if you advance confidently in the direction of your dreams, and endeavor to live the life which you imagine, you will meet with success."

Think BIG and passionately visualize success, consistently and without ceasing:

-Do you see yourself in a big house?
-Maybe you picture your artwork hanging in a gallery.
-Can you feel your book in print and in your hands?
-How does it feel to be a person of success?!?


To make firm.

Make firm that you are; know that it is in your grasp. That's what the others did, and that's how people make it to the top. Then get down to basics.

Be precise.

Exactly how much money do you want, and by what date?
And exactly what are you going to do to earn that money? Be realistic, but give yourself short-term goals. Write it down. In six months or one year, you will have how much money. And repeat it until it feels good. Then repeat it twice a day until it swirls in your subconscious, until it becomes your one-pointed goal.

"The goal stands up, the keeper stands up to keep the goal," wrote A.E. Housman.

Keys to Successful Living-

-Make people feel at ease- They will respond to your needs as you respond to theirs.
-Share the spotlight.
-Give credit to those who deserve it- and to those who strive.
-Don't grab praise away from other people.
-Have confidence in your own value.
-Don't do anything that won't credit your own self-respect.
-Follow up your actions as they reflect your own self-worth.

Listen well to others' comments. Then weigh your own actions. Cultivate relationships with people who have good and important things to say.

Participate in life.
Be active in business meetings and endeavors; volunteer to be part of organizations and groups. Social interaction will boost your sense of well-being.

Feel worthy of your own goal.
Know that you can attain it and that it is right for you. Grasp your own challenge. Don't give yourself impossible goals, but always reach higher. Relax and be yourself. Each person is different and just as wonderful as the next. Don't be plagued by what you think others think of you.

Don't bathe in success- use it. Once you achieve your first goal, go on to others. Use the money you earn for the rewards you look for. Then go on to the next endeavor.

Be slow to criticize others' achievements. Find out how they did it and learn from them. Never use subterfuge. Don't go behind someone's back. Speak your mind and earn respect. Banish negative thoughts and traits. Restructure your life to exclude bad habits.

Believe in yourself and what you are to accomplish. All the power in the world is within you to achieve. Success in life is attainable for everyone who follows their dreams and passions.

About the author

Deborah Schaefer, publisher of http://www.SuccessOrate.com
the Successful Living Resource Center, is a WAHM who is lving her passion by helping people improve their lives through her
inspirational and motivational writing.
from http://www.FreeArticlesAndContent.com

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Successful Living: Achieving Happiness and Fulfillment

By Deborah Schaefer

A successful life is about finding your true purpose and pursuing it with all your passion. It is about find the true riches of life that lead to happiness and fulfillment. It is having goals that drive your life.

Many people who achieve fortune in the world are not born rich. But they accomplished it through hard work and a plan of action. Every type of person on earth can become successful. There are saints and scoundrels; philanthropists and thieves; poets and politicians; young and old. There are no limitations or physical boundaries for success.

Success comes to those who deeply think about success and constantly strive for it! Although many rich financiers at the turn of the century had no formal education, they overcame that and went on to great fame.

Some people strive towards a single goal from early in life, and often attain that goal while still young. Others are willing to risk new adventures later and still attain success.

"It's never too late to learn," wrote Malcolm Forbes, the money magnate. "I learned to ride a motorcycle at 50 and fly balloons at 52."

Whatever your task, whatever your obstacles, you can be as successful as anyone else. Study the people who accomplished recognition in the areas of your pursuit. How did they achieve their goals? And don't be afraid you don't have what it takes.
As Daniel Webster wrote, "There is always room at the top."

Forming Conviction-
The single attribute that every successful person has is the one pointed devotion to attain a goal."There in the sunshine are my highest aspirations," wrote Louisa May Alcott, "I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead."

What are your desires? How can you form them into definite goals that you can attain?
Lawrence Peter wrote, "If you don't know where you're going, you'll probably end up somewhere else."

Maybe you're studying a craft or skill. Perhaps you're caught in a rung of the corporate ladder. Or, you might feel constricted by your family and the environment around you.

Which star are you reaching for?

"Ours is a world where people don't know what they want and are willing to go through anything to get it," wrote Don Marquis.

Take the time to think about your own aspirations. Look inside to find what feels right. Almost everyone entertains the notions of fame and fortune, but put on the 'costume' that fits you. Conviction requires certain qualities of action. Successful Living requires that you be sincere and be willing to assume responsibility. And you need the self-discipline necessary to work towards your goals.

-Are you prepared to achieve your dreams?
-Can you form their reality in your mind?
-Will you devote your entire being to attaining what you want?!?

On Your Own-
Most millionaires are non-conformists. So are the most famous actors and actresses; and the most prominent artists. Writers are known for their individual traits and eccentricities. Your convictions and goals are your own business, even when you find help along the path.

Mentors often take people under their wings to nourish and teach. Or spiritual guides will show you the path to attainment. But you're on your own to achieve.

Cultivate a sense of justice and an ability to make decisions. Cooperate with everybody and develop your own self-respect. And follow good criticism and advice after you've judged carefully.

J. Paul Getty said, "I advise young millionaires to be skeptical of advice. They should advise themselves; they should form their own opinions."

Lord Byron wrote, "There is rapture on the lonely shore." And if you attain your goals with poise and sincerity, you'll find warmth and love at the top- not the cold loneliness pictured by the jealous. Put on blinders to negative comments and criticism meant to hurt you.

About the people who criticize, Voltaire wrote, "Never having been able to succeed in the world, they took revenge by speaking ill of it."

Seize the Day!
People are judged by what they think and what they say. But the true measure of their character is what they do. Anyone who has achieved success and fortune in the world has done it by action. William Jennings Bryan wrote, "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved."

The choice of the path you follow is often put before you as opportunity. "Few people recognize opportunity," said Cary Grant, "because it comes disguised as hard work."

Don't let opportunities slip past while you're still considering them, and create new ones as you see them. "Wise people make more opportunities than they find," said Francis Bacon.

What opportunities can you act upon? Woolworth saw a need for small inexpensive items and opened the chain of stores that grossed billions. Wrigley started giving gum away as a bonus from a supplies wagon he sold from, and saw the opportunity to make money from the gum that became in high demand.

All successful people the world over have found the opportunities for their own special talents and acted upon those ways to achieve. Why wait for the time to pass? There's never a better time than now. Lewis Carroll believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. Take your own impossible dreams and make them become reality.

How They Think-
Thousands of potential millionaires are born every year. And making a million dollars is coming closer to everyone's pocket. What advice did the money-makers follow?

Aristotle Onassis worked eighteen hours a day to maintain his fortune. He started as a welder and aimed for the top. "You have to think money day and night," he said, "you should even dream about it in your sleep."

John D. Rockefeller, Jr., said, "I believe in the dignity of labor, whether with head or hand; that the world owes every person an opportunity to make a living."

And J. Paul Getty acknowledged his hard work: "I have no complex about wealth. I have worked hard for my money, producing things people need."

Even Proverbs advises: "In all labor there is profit." Richard Bach, the author of the best-selling "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" wrote, "You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however."

The Empress of the British Empire, Queen Victoria, admonished, "We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat."

Do YOU Have What It Takes?
There are qualities of endeavor and achievement that are common to many people who make it to the top. The following questions are a guideline to self-enterprise and attaining your goals.

-Do you prefer to work for yourself than for others?
-Are you well-informed on current business and political affairs?
-Are you a leader?
-Do you take advantage of opportunities?
-Do you pay attention to what other people say?
-Can you finish a job even when it is difficult or unpleasant?
-Are you challenged by problems?
-Do you have a goal you want to achieve?
-Do you consider other people?
-Do you strive to attain?
-Can you obey commands?
-Can you bounce back after defeat?
-Do you believe in yourself?
-Can you stand by your actions in spite of criticism?
-Can you follow instructions?
-Can you respond to the needs of others?
-Will you give credit to others?
-Can you make your own decisions?
-Are you determined?
-Are you ready for success?

Establish a Goal-

-What do you want?

-Are you looking for financial security, professional
acknowledgment, spiritual attainment?

-Do you want to fit better socially, or become more expressive creatively?

Establish the goal that's right for you.
Then turn that goal from a dream into a desire. You want to realize that goal, not just wish for it. Aesop said, "Beware that you do not lose the substance by grabbing at the shadow."

-Know exactly what you want, then go for it.
-Don't be tricked by your own procrastination- especially if you want to achieve something artistic.

The writer Thomas Wolfe wrote, "I had been sustained by that delightful illusion of success which we all have when we dream about the books we are going to write instead of actually doing them. Now I was face to face with it, and suddenly I realized that I had
committed my life and my integrity so irrevocably to this struggle that I must conquer now or be destroyed."

Can you see what you want? If you want the abundance of material wealth that money provides, what goal will give you that money?

-Do you want the prestige of owning your own business?
-What business do you want to begin?
-Where are the opportunities for you?

Talk to everyone in the business you want to join. Make friends in the literary or art societies in your area. Read books and articles about your field of endeavor. How can you attain your goal?

"If you don't want to work, you have to work to earn enough money so that you don't have to work!" wrote Ogden Nash. Money makes money; success breeds success.
But not always.

How can you break through those thoughts to help yourself to the rewards?

Henry David Thoreau wrote...
"I have learned this at least by my experiment: that if you advance confidently in the direction of your dreams, and endeavor to live the life which you imagine, you will meet with success."

Think BIG and passionately visualize success, consistently and without ceasing:

-Do you see yourself in a big house?
-Maybe you picture your artwork hanging in a gallery.
-Can you feel your book in print and in your hands?
-How does it feel to be a person of success?!?


To make firm.

Make firm that you are; know that it is in your grasp. That's what the others did, and that's how people make it to the top. Then get down to basics.

Be precise.

Exactly how much money do you want, and by what date?
And exactly what are you going to do to earn that money? Be realistic, but give yourself short-term goals. Write it down. In six months or one year, you will have how much money. And repeat it until it feels good. Then repeat it twice a day until it swirls in your subconscious, until it becomes your one-pointed goal.

"The goal stands up, the keeper stands up to keep the goal," wrote A.E. Housman.

Keys to Successful Living-

-Make people feel at ease- They will respond to your needs as you respond to theirs.
-Share the spotlight.
-Give credit to those who deserve it- and to those who strive.
-Don't grab praise away from other people.
-Have confidence in your own value.
-Don't do anything that won't credit your own self-respect.
-Follow up your actions as they reflect your own self-worth.

Listen well to others' comments. Then weigh your own actions. Cultivate relationships with people who have good and important things to say.

Participate in life.
Be active in business meetings and endeavors; volunteer to be part of organizations and groups. Social interaction will boost your sense of well-being.

Feel worthy of your own goal.
Know that you can attain it and that it is right for you. Grasp your own challenge. Don't give yourself impossible goals, but always reach higher. Relax and be yourself. Each person is different and just as wonderful as the next. Don't be plagued by what you think others think of you.

Don't bathe in success- use it. Once you achieve your first goal, go on to others. Use the money you earn for the rewards you look for. Then go on to the next endeavor.

Be slow to criticize others' achievements. Find out how they did it and learn from them. Never use subterfuge. Don't go behind someone's back. Speak your mind and earn respect. Banish negative thoughts and traits. Restructure your life to exclude bad habits.

Believe in yourself and what you are to accomplish. All the power in the world is within you to achieve. Success in life is attainable for everyone who follows their dreams and passions.

About the author

Deborah Schaefer, publisher of http://www.SuccessOrate.com
the Successful Living Resource Center, is a WAHM who is lving her passion by helping people improve their lives through her
inspirational and motivational writing.
from http://www.FreeArticlesAndContent.com

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Is Your Need For Money Self -Defeating?

By Arthur Magoulianiti

Could your feeling of need for money be the one thing that is preventing you from getting it. I recently read an article that suggested that and it sounds fairly scary. Reading further it all started to make sense and so read on and I will explain.

If I look at my life, and maybe you will see some similarities with yours, when I have felt the need for money it always seemed that enough issues arose to need even more i.e the more I focused on needing it, the more I needed it!

What tends to happen then is that you try cut corners, spend less, for example, you may choose a cheaper products to buy to get by. Problem with this is that you can create a false economy as you may well be giving up on quality and reliability, which in turn may land up costing you more.

The problem with having a need for money is that we are left living in the future, being anxious about what could happen and giving up on the power we have to create today. The reason for this is that you are where you are today because of thoughts and actions you performed in the past and so the best way to determine the results of the future is to focus on today and your thoughts and actions of today. That way you embrace your power and creativity instead of sacfrificing this through needless worrying and energy-sapping anxiety.

The other matter to consider is your attitude to how much you think you need. There are many stories of peoople who have a significant amount of money but yet feel they need to get more.
Do you actually need more than you have or do you just merely wnt more - this is a big distinction. One guy I heard about thought he needed money but when he looked at his true position with a coach, they worked out he had enough to last him for ten years!

One thing is clear though and that is if you focus on need you will attract more needy causes into your life - instead you should focus on the your ideal lifestyle that you desire and set about creating that. Doing this you come from a position of strength and creativity, you come up with the ideas that will help you move forward.

About the author

Magoulianiti runs www.breakfreefromtheratrace.com
a website dedicated to reviewing the best
residual income generating
product on the market including learn while you earn opportunities. from http://www.FreeArticlesAndContent.com

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Recipe For A Happy Life

By Jennifer Stromsteen

Just like set menus from restaurants wherein different kinds of foods are served - from appetizers, to main dishes, to desserts - life also has its menu for an upbeat, happy life. Different people have their own individual menu that makes them cheerful and optimistic. Find out what they are; they may help to keep your life meaningful, enjoyable, inspiring, and interesting. Consider the following:

Help the needy, the poor, the handicapped, the ailing, the broken-hearted, the homeless, the lost, and the environment. The list can go on. When you help the needy - in services, monetary value, or other forms (lending a shoulder to cry on or an understanding ear to listen to other people's problems) - the returns are tenfold over. However, don't expect anything material in return. Just the contentment you experience in your heart is an incomparably satisfying feeling. Giving something wholeheartedly without expecting anything in return is divine. Imagine yourself as the person on the receiving end. You can't wait to return the favor once you get the opportunity to do so.

Another way to enjoy life is to listen to music. Set time aside every day to play your good old favorite songs and sing along. Sing your best. Sing carelessly or out of tune - whatever it takes to make your heart contented and whatever makes you laugh. Just hum the tune if you don't remember the words. Sing until you laugh heartily. The idea is to cheer up. Do this in private with your close friends or relatives though. You don't want to annoy your neighbors.

The sound of nature is also music. The sound of river flowing, the gust of wind on a tree branch, waves on the seashore, and birds chirping are as natural as nature can be, and the way music should be. The sound of nature can make you optimistic because it is a beautiful and serene sound.

Let's face reality. Life has its share of troubles, disasters, and misfortunes. Bad news exists and it disturbs the mind. Totally ignoring it may not always be the answer to approach life in a realistic manner. However, you can always find ways to avoid being affected by it to maintain the dominance of life's beauty.

A party without humor and laughter is a dull one. The same is true in real life. Fill your life with lots of humor and laughter to keep it upbeat. The more spontaneous a humorous situation is, the more natural it is, and the better it can liven up your spirits.

Look at the lessons that can be derived from misfortunes. Mistakes allow you to learn and see opportunities hidden behind adversities. Always find meaning from every event in your life. See through the shell game and value every lesson that you learn.

About the author

J Stromsteen has many years expertise in the finance, real estate, and insurance industry. She contributes to various websites such as First Time Home Buyer where you can find today's mortgage rates as well as a wealth of information on getting a First Time Home Buyers Loan . from http://www.FreeArticlesAndContent.com

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Anyone Can Achieve Higher Quality ... Easily

By Don Dewsnap

Quality consists of making things better. That's all. When you do something better, when you produce better results, you are achieving higher quality. The rewards range from personal satisfaction to admiration from others to financial success. If you make a relationship better, you get (and give) more happiness. In short, better is good.

The reason people have a hard time achieving higher quality in their lives is they don't know the principles of quality. Yes, there are basic underlying principles, as simple and precise as gravity. The following is a crash course in the three major principles of quality, which, when applied to any area, result in higher quality in that area.

One: Quality is an attitude.

A quality attitude means that you agree and believe that better is a good direction to go. You also believe that staying the same or getting worse are not good directions. Thinking that better is only sometimes a good direction is not a quality attitude. An attitude is all about how you approach things: your job, your friends, your hobby, your driving. How good a driver are you? "Good enough" is not a quality attitude. Nor is "Better than most." "I'd like to be even better than I am" is a quality attitude.

The nice thing about an attitude is that it is completely under your own control. You don't have to ask permission to take on a quality attitude. No one can prevent it. No one can stop you from wanting to do things better. But they can try, which brings us to number two.

Two: Quality leads to opposition.

For all of the wonderful rewards that higher quality brings, there is a price. Some people don't like higher quality and don't want you or anyone else to achieve it. These are the critical people, who make fun of or talk badly about successful people. These are the people who "know" things can't get better.

As you begin to apply a quality attitude, you will hear negative comments: Why bother? You're trying too hard. Who are you trying to kid? It doesn't have to be that good. Slow down, you're making the rest of us look bad. And then there is the real attitude-killer: No one cares. In a hundred ways, openly or hiddenly, these people will try to shift you away from a quality attitude.

The better you get, the harder they will try. They may seem to make sense, they may even have some truth in what they say, but if you find yourself agreeing even a little bit that making things better, doing things better, is not worth it, or not important, know what is happening: you are succeeding. Your movement in the direction of doing things better is making progress. Keep it up.

Three: Quality takes time.

For some reason, this major principle seems to be a major stumbling block to many people, but really, it is as easy as the others. Remember, quality isn't doing things well -- it is doing them better. A middle-school boy, no matter how good he is at basketball, can't play as well as a professional, but if he keeps moving in the direction of doing it better, perhaps someday he will be that good. Yet even then, if he keeps his quality attitude, he will keep getting better.

Usually, the difference in time between doing something and doing it better can be measured in seconds or, at the most, minutes. If you are raking a lawn, take that extra swipe to capture the leaf in the corner. If you are filing papers, take five extra seconds to make the folder neat before you put it back. Read over that email before you send it. Listen to your child before deciding his fate. Maybe he thought he was doing a good thing when he watered the plants with your coffee.

No matter how much you have to do, how busy you are, you always have the time to do things a little bit better. If you don't agree, think of all the times you have had to do something again because of an error or because it wasn't quite good enough. Think of the times when the results were not as good as you had hoped they would be. To put it bluntly, using time to do something better always saves you more time later. Always.

So those are the three major principles of quality. There are more, but those are the foundation, and they will take you to higher levels of success and happiness all by themselves.

About the author

Don Dewsnap has spent years studying quality and its principles and applications. Now he has put his knowledge into a readable, useable book: Anyone Can Improve His or Her Life: The Principles of Quality. Read an excerpt or buy this book in paperback or as an e-book at Principles-of-Quality.com or as a paperback at any online bookseller. from http://www.FreeArticlesAndContent.com

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Could Self Affirmation Be The Key To Success?

By Art Stanley

your subconscious mind dominates every aspect of your life. Who you are as a person and where you are in life in relation to where you want to be, is largely a reflection of the subconscious mental conditioning that's occurred to this point.

It's the subconscious mind that is the controlling force of your life. But learn how to guide it and the infinite world of possibility is within your grasp. That's the value of self affirmation.

Self affirmation is a proven tool to influence the subconscious. It doesn't happen overnight, but it can and does happen for those who make affirmations and visualization a part of their way of living.

Affirmations are positive statements about you and your desired reality. "I feel happier and more energetic now that I've lost 10 pounds" - that's a simple example of an affirmation. The beauty of it is that you're not limited in any way. You can add dozens of affirmations into your routine and eventually the subconscious will get hold of this desire and guide you to manifestation. It doesn't matter what the affirmation is. If you believe it heart and soul and repeat it enough times, the subconscious will act on it as though it were an order.

Self affirmation is any positive statement delivered by you - to you. You simply make a decisive statement about you already in possession of some desired condition, quality, circumstance, or thing. "I feel my self-confidence surging higher and higher with every step I take towards each prospect's door" is a statement of a desired condition for anyone in sales. Repeated regularly and with conviction, this self affirmation will undoubtedly increase the confidence and improve the performance of anyone.

Here's why self affirmation is such an effective tool...

We see the world through our conditioned eyes. Have you ever noticed someone who is perpetually happy? They've conditioned themselves to experience more joy in life. There are also those unfortunate souls who are miserable most of the time. Most of us though live in the grey zone between these two extremes. If you want to be happier more often, use affirmations to make it your reality.

In their book, Become A Magnet To Money, author's Bob Proctor and Michelle Blood state that "Your subconscious conditioning or paradigm will determine your logic". Until we see a particular result as logical, realistic, or within our reach, we won't take the necessary steps to get there. That's why you've got to stretch yourself and open up to a new set of possibilities in your life. "Breakthroughs are made by violating logic" say authors, Proctor and Blood.

Your potential about your life and your potential are based on conditioning and nothing more. Unfortunately, most of us grew up accepting limitations; limitations that are nothing more than illusions we've bought into. It's as though we look at life with long mailing tubes attached to our eyes. We can see a glimpse of some of the possibilities out there, but we miss out on the bounty that's all around us.

Self affirmation facilitates change. Try if for 30 days -- every day -- and you'll begin to notice its effects. You can change your life any way you choose and only you can change it. Affirmations are free and freeing. Use them and shape your future so you are actually living your dreams.

About the author

Ready to tap into your unlimited mind power to create the life you want? Self Affirmation and Visualization can give you everything you can imagine - automatically. Just follow along on this powerful guided visualization and affirmation session and live the life of your dreams today. Click here for more. from http://www.FreeArticlesAndContent.com

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Asking The Typical Question--What is Perseverance?

By Stephen Campbell

Asking The Typical Question--What is Perseverance?

The dictionary defines perseverance as 'the steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.' Or as the Beatle's song said, 'just keep on keeping on.' We have so many quotes about perseverance. Probably the best know one is, 'If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.'

What all of them say is that you can expect to encounter problems when try anything new. Successful people don't let obstacles or disappointments get in their way.

Let's look at an example of perseverance : the career of Milton Hershey. A fourth grade drop out, he became a printer's apprentice. He got fired. Next he convinced a candy maker to let him work for him. After finishing his apprenticeship, he opened a candy business and failed. He opened a second candy factory and failed again. Then he tried a third candy factory and failed a third time. Now, at his point, most people would say, 'Milton, three strikes and you're out. You need to find some other line of work.'

Fortunately the three strikes rule applies only to baseball and criminal convictions. Hershey then founded the Lancaster Caramel Company. His caramel recipe was successful. He later sold this company and started the Hershey Company. The rest is history. The term Hershey bar became a synonym for mike chocolate.

That is but one example and you can be sure that as you start to look around, you will be presented with but hundreds and hundreds of examples of the most successful people in the world who have gotten to where they are by demonstrating steady perseverance. This trait is the thing which can be attributed to underpinning the level of success that they currently experience. Most people look at the current situation and tend not to consider the steps that the successful individual has ahd to take in order to get to where we see then today.

As you look to develop as a person, personally and professionally - make sure you take time out daily to enhancing that world class trait of perseverance. You should develop a virtue that upholds the global standard. After all, you are not living for your self, or for your own country, you are part of larger community-- the world.

Often, many of us just focus on our particular skill that we are looking to develop whether that be a product or service. However, we now know that it is that quality of determination and self motivation that is the core of the success secrets of the world's most successful people and if we want to be one of them; it makes good sense to ensure that we develop the same skills that we see possessed by them.

About the author

For more information, visit http://www.perseverancehowtodevelopit.com/ from http://www.FreeArticlesAndContent.com

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