Minggu, 13 Juli 2008

Have You Ever Said I Want To Be Rich

By Faye B. Roberts

Do you want to be rich and have what being rich brings to your life? I want to BE RICH. Do you know how to be rich? By saying that we are saying we want to have changes in our lives. Are they major changes or are they minor changes. That would depend on where you are at in your life and what being rich means to you.

What exactly is meant by the term rich? Do we all put the same value on a dollar? Can you have no money and feel you are rich or is it the money value that makes you Rich? Not everyone will see being rich in the say way or use it in the same context. I did a small survey and asked 10 people this Question "What does Being Rich mean to you? Here is the response I got.

Rod from British Columbia - "Money, lots of money. It's not having to look in your wallet, bank account or credit card statement any more, ever."

Joseph from Manitoba - "Freedom to do the things you love when you choose to do them. Napolean Hill puts it very well in the first chapter of Think & Grow Rich. He lists 12 things, I believe, that constitute riches. Money is only one of them and without the others, money means nothing. The others include health, peace of mind, etc."

Terry from Illinois -I think that being rich is a freedom. That's it freedom. Now to figure out how to be rich.

Larry from Kansas - "Money, Lots of money, millions of dollars, fancy sports cars, big beach front houses, no travel restrictions. Nothing dictating when I have to get some sleep and more alarm clocks waking me up when I'm still tired. I would be rich when I had five million dollars in the bank, and everything else I want paid in full. Yes, I want to be rich"

Phil from Maryland - "Although I have never been really rich in terms of money, I have been richly blessed with family and with relationships. Now, with new opportunities, I foresee myself becoming rich monetarily as well as the result of services I am able to provide to help others. In one sense, being rich is simply a state of mind. In another, it means being able to do the things I want to do when I want to do them."

Dee from Alberta - "The first thing that comes to mind is money but being rich means being happy with what have."

Bobbi from Alberta - "Rich to me means having the resources to enjoy life to it's fullest with my friends and loved ones."

Joel from Ontario - "Choices and time freedom. It's the ultimate way to live life, not having to worry about what you want to do, how much something costs, and you can always choose to do whatever you want tomorrow."

The answer to the question what does being rich mean to you is defiantly in the eye of the beholder. It can mean anything from comfort and security to ultimate wealth. But in every answer I got money is defiantly at the root of it but the amount that is needed will be different for every person.

Now for the changes it takes to have the lifestyle you want, deserve and should have. You could go back to school but is a better job going to get you to where you want to be. Probably not! With the Internet now, owning and operating a home based business is easy. There are many business opportunities that will allow you to live the lifestyle you want when you say I want to be rich. My question to you is what is it you are doing to be rich?

About the author

Faye B Roberts is an homebased business entrepreneur who aids people to reach their goals in their quest for financial and time freedom. Her goal is to coach people into full time home business entrepreneurs.
Finding Financial Freedom from http://www.FreeArticlesAndContent.com

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